Saturday, November 10, 2007

Coping With Crisis

A crisis can be as small as losing a job, or as large as a nuclear war, but how we deal with adversity helps to define us as people. An excellent book written by Jim Burtles is “Coping With Crisis”. This book helps us deal with the day to day challenges that we face in real life.

Through his life Jim has had much experience in dealing with crisis situations. He is an expert in disaster recovery and emergency management. He brings years of experience in dealing with adverse events. This real world experience proves to be valuable as he explains various concepts in his book. He can help train you to deal with emergency scenarios as they develop.

This book will help prepare us for the difficult days that lie ahead. I highly recommend getting "Coping with Crisis: A Counselor's Guide To The Restabilization Process" by Jim Burtles. The book was published by Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, MI on Sept 2007. You can contact Jim at +1 734 662 6864